Makerspace Ready for Next Stage

Our library makerspace is shown in images below. The next stage in the library makerspace development will involve removing a small room in the library (the video editing room), so that we can move the fiction shelves over to create more open space for robotics and other such activities. The green screen will be relocated into this bigger space, so students can have more depth for green screen video filming. The images also show a plan for screens that will be added over the holidays that will allow tutorials to be displayed and more collaboration. Previous pics of the development of the space over time,can be seen at the links below. The 3D printer is housed in a small room near the library counter that is also used for makerspace storage.

The larger plan of the library, in the images below, shows the changes over the years. The Librarian’s Office is now the 3D printing room. The McAuley Room is now the makerspace. The Curriculum Coordinator’s Room is now the video editing room, soon to be removed. We have another library; see Both libraries can be used by all students.