Micro Drones

We use Tello drones with Tello Edu App on Windows tablets https://allhallowsschoollibrary.com/2021/10/14/drones-healthcare-in-the-himalayas/ The unit is based on resources from SheMaps.com and drone safety plan from World of Drones Education: Free STEM Resources for Teachers

More at https://allhallowsschoollibrary.com/2020/11/13/drones-and-robots/ and https://allhallowsschoollibrary.com/2019/02/19/drones/

More from shemaps: great resources to help set up drone clubs with free activities https://shemaps.com/blog/drone-club/

SheMaps helps with purchasing https://shemaps.com/stem-gear/

This might be useful https://shemaps.com/blog/drone-education-tello-tello-edu-or-tello-talent/



Badge Making

We do badge making for Year 5 and 6 at start of each year in our Makerspace like other libraries. These badges are used in classes to learn names. Another activity is as follows.

TEAM Game (Together Everyone Achieves More)

First lesson, students make name badges. Return badges to teacher end of each lesson. Next lesson, place name badges face down on ground or table. Students need to find their badge and return to their seat. Teacher times how long it takes for class to be back and seated. No elbowing etc. Ussually takes just over 40 seconds for 29 students, first attempt. Students wear badge to learn each other’s name and return end of class. Next lesson place badges on ground or table face up. Have class discussion on ways to find badges faster, and agree on strategy. Time it. Repeat game next lesson. Try different strategies. Times get faster so it is a good message about benefits of working together, that distributes the badges in less than a minute. Also good learning moments are strategies that are not faster – how to fix it, why it did not work, why other strategies better.

If any badges left behind, this tells who is absent so makes taking class attendance easy.

See below how to recycle badges.

Badge Making Activities in Library

Badges recycled with stickers

These ones were used tocover old badges.

Lego Algorithm and Other Learning Activities

With Lego Masters doing so well on TV, maybe it is a good opportunity to capitalize and also include some Digi Tech / algorithm fun:
https://www.9now.com.au/lego-masters and https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/lego-masters-a-ratings-smash-for-nine-as-viewers-rejoice/news-story/47210b4372759a82464a48fe7bff3c50

Lego Building Challenge
Lego Algorithmics
Lego Building Algorithm Activity https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/357409/lego-building-algorithm-activity

Lego Algorithm Duck Activities

Lego Challenge Cards https://thestemlaboratory.com/lego-challenge-cards/

More makerspace…

This blog is my more “unofficial” makerspace site. Our other one is at https://allhallowsschoollibrary.com/
So please look at this site for a more extensive coverage of our library makerspace activities.

We offer 2 makerspace programs. The one called Makerspace runs in our McAuley Library before school and at lunchtimes. All students are welcome, but most attendees are in Years 5 or 6.

The other program is called Cre8 Lab, offered in Potter Library at lunchtime, mainly in the first 4 weeks of each term. It offers more complex activities, so students sign up for these and they usually require commitment to several lunchtimes, or more. Some of these activities are limited to certain grades due to complexity.

We also endeavour to connect makerspace activities into classes, so this does happen regularly e.g. 3D printing and El Wire in secondary Home Economics, 3D printing with ICT classes, various makerspace crafts with Year 5 and 6, often involving electronics and 3D printing, and stop motion with Arts students.

Net of Hope

This was a whole-school maker project. Students made a net with a giant Nancy loom at lunchtimes, before and after school, in the libraries. The loom was then placed on the school Terrace for a week at lunchtimes during Culture Week. On the last day of Culture Week the net was tied to the walkway. On this day and several days following, students wrote on coloured strips their hopes, and these were then tied to the net, so others can read the strips and share positive hopes for the future.

Makerspace Term 2, 2017

During Term 1, students were encouraged to explore building and creating through using both high and low-technology resources, such as Lego Robotics and littleBits, as well as our craft supplies of paper, cardboard and other “bibs and bobs”. Particularly at the end of the term, students made some beautiful Easter craft creations.

In Term 2, students made a Mother’s Day scrub as a gift. Students engaged in a STEAM construction challenge; Balloon-Powered Cars. They sewed flowers using a version of string art. They made bookmarks out of paper. Our new giant Nancy loom is ready for some giant French Knitting…