Makerspace Display for Open Day

Our Makerspace Display on Open Day was very popular. Hints for next time- have spare sheets of lead piano sheet- the lead started to wear off after so many fingers. Also oil from hands might have affected playdough and lead conductivity.


Simple LED circuit activity

Hardest part of this was teaching students to sew and thread needle. The conductive thread breaks all needle threaders we have tried. Adafruit website says can moisten thread, but do not place in mouth.

Hint – we now cut the thread after stitching one leg of LED light. Then, knot and sew next leg of LED light down. We had problems sometimes trying to use one thread for whole circuit.

our flipbook resource

See alternative supplies below images

Supply ideas (at time of post):

Price comparisons – compare to:

Learning to use laser cutter

Went to low cost PD at The Edge, State Library of QLD, on how to use laser cutter in their Fablab. They ran certification course for using laser cutter. Was very enjoyable and professional.The Edge provides free use of laser cutter and even some materials, so not sure we need one for our makerspace. Also, they mentioned the word “fire” a lot, and “break” and “expensive”so might be better to use their equipment.

Shoe boxes

Collected free shoe boxes from shoe store, to be used for students to store their creations while they make them. The orange wall is the one that will be knocked out over the next break and this room, adjoining the library, will become our makerspace.
IMG_0188 IMG_0185 IMG_0184 IMG_0176 IMG_0175 IMG_0170

Squishy circuits

Have ordered kits all made up from For Share Task 2 (CSER MOOC) Squishy Circuit Activities


  • 5 x Battery pack with added Terminals
  • 5 x Buzzer with added Terminals
  • 5 x Motor with added Terminals
  • LEDs 3mm + 5mm

Conductive dough (you can replace with bought Play Dough for the conductive dough)

  • 1 cup Water
  •  1/2 cups Flour
  • (A gluten free version of this dough can be made by replacing the flour with gluten-free flour.)  1/4 cup Salt 3 Tbsp. Cream of Tartar* 1 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil Food Coloring (optional)
  • *9Tbsp. of Lemon Juice may be Substituted

Insulating dough

  • 355 mL Flour
  • 118 mL Sugar 44 mL Vegetable Oil 118 mL Deionized (or Distilled) Water
  • (Regular tap water can be used, but the resistance of the dough will be lower.) More reading: This involves cooking, but has sequenced activities


Coding for Beginners in a Library Makerspace


One of the tricks with successful makerspaces activities in libraries is developing them so they are doable with limited staffing and staff preparation and can be done during a lunchtime or similar restricted time period. These activities need to be fun and engaging as students are giving up their own time, and age appropriate. One such activity is coding. This article looks at pencil coding which can be easily done by ages 10 upwards. It is user friendly for teachers and library staff to gain skills. The coding requires needs internet connected computing devices. Coding is considered so important in the UK curriculum, that it was announced in September that all students from ages 5 to 16 must learn coding at school:

“This is very much not vocationally driven,” Peyton Jones said. “It’s not motivated primarily by saying there’s a skill shortage in this country and we need to have more people who can programme. It’s motivated instead by saying: ‘What sort of education do our children need?”

The concept of removing ICT as a separate subject at lower year levels is that ICT can be included within subject areas. The problem with this notion is that teachers choose the best tool to achieve their subject learning objective and this will be influenced by their own skill set. While this debate continues, school libraries have the opportunity to offer coding, both inside and outside class time. This promotes the library as providing technology leadership, learning extension, differentiation and a safe haven for students.

 So, how to get started?

The website is engaging, easy to use and resources are provided. There is an overview video at (3 mins) and one for Getting started at (4 mins 26 secs).

Step by step instructions

Go to

Click “Let’s play.” Click the blue play button – see what happens. Look at the code that created this movement.

To create your own code, click top left on the word “blocks” located on the blue bar. Highlight the code that is there and delete it. Students can use either the blocks to code, or type their own code.

Go to Lesson 1 at The beginner activities are a good place to start, and then move through these to the more advanced activities. These activities challenge the students by providing starting code, then students need to complete the code to finish the challenge.

There are more activities at from page 9 onwards which can be printed out. These are good for student choice and practice and again progress from beginner to a more advanced level.

If students would like to save their coding, they can sign up for an account:

There are other resources for teachers at

Not only is free, but there is a worldwide group of pencil code hackers who meet at hackathons and are continually improving and developing this resource. is an easy way to introduce coding.


While technology skills, such as coding, have value for both males and females, the US government sees supporting women to move into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) areas as “an essential part of America’s strategy to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world. Women in STEM jobs earn 33 percent more than those in non-STEM occupations and experience a smaller wage gap relative to men… Increasing opportunities for women in these fields is an important step towards realizing greater economic success and equality for women across the board.” The STEM movement is widespread, but increasingly STEAM is gaining attention which highlights “Art” or design as an important future technologies skills  The following youtube clip further highlights the stereotypes that operate to discourage girls from gaining digital skills, and the opportunities and advantages for women in pursuing learning in technology:

On the ground, how did this coding happen? I just printed out some activities from, and at lunchtime in our primary library asked if any students wanted to learn coding. The interested students, ageing from 10 to 13, as in the photo, logged on to and did the 2 beginner activities, and then started choosing different activities to keep working on. We have had several meetings and the students have been exploring this at home as well. They are keen to keep meeting, so we have established Tuesday lunch as a good time, so I am looking forward to them outstripping my meagre skills and learning more from them.